Cheltenham Paint Festival

Cheltenham is always a highlight on the UK paint festival scene… Due to lack of funding this years event was set to be cancelled but all that changed after an anonymous fan began crowdfunding page to help save the street art festival…. within a few days all the money was raised and the festival set to go ahead..

Cheltenham gave me a great opportunity to experiment with my style and try a few new thingsout, this was due to the allocated walls being landscape configuration rather than portrait, so with this in mind I had the challenge of designing artwork to fit the space. Also there was the added bonus of a second large wall in the town centre east, multi story car park so I could really get busy with new style. Cheltenham was the fist time I painted overlapping characters that appear opaque or see through also the first introduction of colour into my artwork.


Concrete Canvas Chelmsford


Lattitude 2023